Function | Description |
int(x [,base]) | converts x to an integer |
long(x [,base]) | converts x to a long integer |
float(x) | converts x to a floating-point number |
complex(real [,imag]) | creates a complex number |
str(x) | converts x to a string representation |
repr(x) | converts x to an expression string |
eval(str) | evaluates str and returns an object |
tuple(s) | converts a sequence object to a tuple |
list(s) | converts a sequence object to a list |
chr(x) | converts an integer to a character |
unichr(x) | converts an integer to a Unicode character |
ord(c) | converts a character to its integer value |
hex(x) | converts an integer to a hexadecimal string |
oct(x) | converts an integer to an octal string |
totalRings = int(userInput)
//where totalRings and userInput are variables
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